Senator DiSanto E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Child Care Tax Credit Supports Families, Communities
  • Exciting Careers Await in PA Agriculture
  • State Seminars Explain New Tax Laws
  • An Emergency Plan Can be a Lifesaver
  • September is National Prostate Health Month

Recently I had the honor of hosting Bishop Timothy Senior of the Diocese of Harrisburg as the Senate’s guest chaplain to open our session with prayer.

Child Care Tax Credit Supports Families, Communities

Senate Republicans understand that supporting families by reducing the government’s tax burden helps create strong communities. We led the way in establishing the Child Care Tax Credit and also increased it to provide relief to as many moms and dads as possible.

Because of the tax credit, more businesses can contribute toward their employees’ child care benefits, providing financial relief to parents, beginning Jan. 1, 2025. Employer contributions may not count as the employee’s income.

The tax credit allows employers to claim a tax credit equal to 30% of what they contribute toward an employee’s child care benefits, up to $500. If an employer chooses to make contributions to its employees, the employer must make equal contributions to all employees who have eligible child care costs.

Exciting Careers Await in PA Agriculture

There are more than 500,000 jobs in PA agriculture – not only laboring in the fields but also covering the fields of business, technology, science and other related disciplines – and 75,000 additional positions need to be filled in the next decade to keep our farms operating and our nation fed.

As the industry diversifies and innovates with new technology and its aging workforce retires, new opportunities are continually available. 

Find available careers in agriculture.

State Seminars Explain New Tax Laws

Senate Republicans reformed the state tax code to bring jobs to Pennsylvania and help start-ups.

Tax professionals can learn about these and other changes at the Department of Revenue in person or at virtual seminars. The one-day seminars offer information about the Personal Income Tax, sales tax, corporate taxes and compliance initiatives. They also explain how to use the department’s website to establish tax accounts for new businesses, file tax returns and pay state taxes.

Seminars are offered through December. Learn more and register here.

An Emergency Plan Can be a Lifesaver

Having an emergency plan that everyone in your family is familiar with can keep your loved ones safe during a power outage, severe storm or other unexpected event.

A clear plan helps people stay calm and focused during a stressful experience. It should include information about where to go, who to contact and what to have on hand.

It’s important to have enough food, water and other supplies to last at least three days. Other items for a basic emergency kit include flashlights, extra batteries, first aid supplies, hand sanitizer and a whistle to signal for help. Learn more.

September is National Prostate Health Month

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in men in the United States, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. It causes more deaths in men than all but lung cancer.

Screenings can often catch the disease before it spreads, resulting in a five-year survival rate of 97.5%. For someone with an average risk, screening should begin at age 50. Getting screened every two or three years is sufficient for most men.

While there is no way to completely prevent prostate cancer, men can reduce their risk by choosing a low-fat diet filled with fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising most days of the week.

The PA Department of Health offers information about prostate cancer risk factors, signs and symptoms, and additional resources here.


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