Joint public hearing on protecting seniors from financial exploitation

Senate Aging & Youth Committee and Senate Banking & Insurance Committee

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 9 a.m.

Hearing Room 1, NOB


9:00 AM Opening Remarks

9:05 AM Introduction of Proposed Legislation  
     Honorable Joe Hogan, State Representative, 142nd Legislative District

9:15 AM  Panel #1
     Honorable Jason Kauvlich, Secretary, Department of Aging – Testimony
     Honorable Valerie Arkoosh, Secretary, Department of Human Services – Testimony
     Jessica Jones, Director, Berks County Area Agency on Aging  
     Clayton Reed, Director, Lehigh Valley County Office of Aging and Adult Services  
     John Abel, Chief Deputy Attorney General, Bureau of Consumer Protection – Testimony
     Nicholas Smyth, Assistant Chief Deputy Attorney General, Bureau of Consumer Protection  

10:00 AM Panel #2
     Richard Cimakaksy ,Fraud and Security Officer, Penn Community Bank
     Roger Zacharia, President &CEO, Ambler Savings Bank
     Amey Sgrignoli, President & CEO, Belco Community Credit Union

10:30 AM Panel #3
     Teresa Osborne, State Advocacy Director, AARP – Testimony
     Tim Ward, Director of Government Relations, Pennsylvania Health Care Association – Testimony
     Garry Pezzano, President & CEO, Leading Age PA – Testimony
     C.J. Rambler, President of Board of Directors, Pennsylvania Homecare Association  

11:00 AM Adjournment

Additional Testimony:

PA District Attorney Association

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